Anthony Brammer
Classement de Anthony Brammer
Classement des gains
Les 12 derniers mois mondial n/a pos. n/a
Les 12 derniers mois national n/a pos. n/a
Depuis toujours mondial 28208e =
Depuis toujours national 15634e =
De tout temps WSOP n/a pos. n/a
De tout temps WPT 25769e N/A
De tout temps EPT n/a pos. n/a

Les plus gros cashes de Anthony Brammer

$18 695

Place : 5 / 1155
$350 NLHE
mai 29, 2014
Tournoi Résultats
$360 NLHE PPC Florida Spring Poker Stakes (Guaranteed)
2014 PPC Florida Spring Poker Stakes
Tampa Bay Downs
mars 14, 2014

$8 068

2 / 195

$350 NLHE USD50K Guarantee
2014 PPC Tampa Downs Winter Fest
Tampa Bay Downs
janv. 17, 2014

$4 480

5 / 292

Event 1: $350 NLHE Deep Stack (Guaranteed)
2015 Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Winter Deep Stack Series
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
févr. 19, 2015

$3 575


Event 1: $560 NLHE (Guaranteed)
2014 WPT XII - Seminole Hard Rock Showdown
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino - Hollywood
mars 27, 2014

$2 237

60 / 1966

Event 3: $560 NLHE Deep Stack (Guaranteed)
2014 Fall Deep Stack Series
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
oct. 23, 2014

$1 946

16 / 519

Event 1: No Limit Hold'em - Deep Stack ($200,000 Guaranteed - 11am Flights)
2015 Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Spring Deep Stack
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
mai 7, 2015

$1 900

15 / 664

Event 5A: $560 NLHE Deep Stack (Guaranteed)
2015 Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Winter Deep Stack Series
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
févr. 26, 2015

$1 884

21 / 685

Event 6: $165 NLHE ($40,000 Guaranteed)
2013 WPT Regional - Florida Winter Tampa Bay Open
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
déc. 9, 2013


26 / 611

$150 No Limit Hold'em - Accumulator
Derby Lane
juil. 13, 2015



Event 16: $250 NLHE (Guaranteed)
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Summer Open
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
juin 15, 2014



Event 6: $150 NLHE Turbo Deep Stack (Guaranteed)
2015 Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Spring Deep Stack
Seminole Hardrock Hotel and Casino - Tampa
mai 17, 2015



No Limit Hold'em - Main Event
2014 PPC - Tampa Downs Fall Classic
Tampa Bay Downs
sept. 18, 2014


60 / 564

$125 NLHE Bounty
2015 PPC Tampa Downs Winter Fest
Tampa Bay Downs
janv. 21, 2015



Created with Highcharts 3.0.1Anthony Brammer2005-012005-022005-032005-042005-052005-062005-072005-082005-092005-102005-112005-122006-012006-022006-032006-042006-052006-062006-072006-082006-092006-102006-112006-122007-012007-022007-032007-042007-052007-062007-072007-082007-092007-102007-112007-122008-012008-022008-032008-042008-052008-062008-072008-082008-092008-102008-112008-122009-012009-022009-032009-042009-052009-062009-072009-082009-092009-102009-112009-122010-012010-022010-032010-042010-052010-062010-072010-082010-092010-102010-112010-122011-012011-022011-032011-042011-052011-062011-072011-082011-092011-102011-112011-122012-012012-022012-032012-042012-052012-062012-072012-082012-092012-102012-112012-122013-012013-022013-032013-042013-052013-062013-072013-082013-092013-102013-112013-122014-012014-022014-032014-042014-052014-062014-072014-082014-092014-102014-112014-122015-012015-022015-032015-042015-052015-062015-07$0.00$10,000.00$20,000.00$30,000.00$40,000.00$50,000.00

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