Erica Schoenberg

Erica Schoenberg

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About Erica Schoenberg


Erica Schoenberg is a professional poker player, whose journey in card games started with blackjack, but besides that she is a high class volleyball player and a coach and she is posing for some magazines. (Looks like the "and.."' can be used a lot of times, when talking about her.) Born winner. In Texas Hold'em part of her career she made more than $880,000 in earnings and 40 ITM. In her private life, she adores poker players, first she was engaged to David Benyamine and in 2011 married Erick Lindgren.

Written by Ina Rkh
Last update: 30/04/2015

Created with Highcharts 3.0.1Erica Schoenberg2005-012005-022005-032005-042005-052005-062005-072005-082005-092005-102005-112005-122006-012006-022006-032006-042006-052006-062006-072006-082006-092006-102006-112006-122007-012007-022007-032007-042007-052007-062007-072007-082007-092007-102007-112007-122008-012008-022008-032008-042008-052008-062008-072008-082008-092008-102008-112008-122009-012009-022009-032009-042009-052009-062009-072009-082009-092009-102009-112009-122010-012010-022010-032010-042010-052010-062010-072010-082010-092010-102010-112010-122011-012011-022011-032011-042011-052011-062011-072011-082011-092011-102011-112011-122012-012012-022012-032012-042012-052012-062012-072012-082012-092012-102012-112012-122013-012013-022013-032013-042013-052013-062013-072013-082013-092013-102013-112013-122014-012014-022014-032014-042014-052014-062014-072014-082014-092014-102014-112014-122015-012015-022015-032015-042015-052015-062015-072015-082015-092015-102015-112015-122016-012016-022016-032016-042016-052016-06$0.00$500,000.00$1,000,000.00

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The biggest cashes of Erica Schoenberg


Rank: 3 / 2778
Event 38: $1500 NLHE
Jun 23, 2007
Tournament Results
$25500 NLHE WPT World Championship
2006 WPT IV - World Championship
Apr 18, 2006


16 / 605

Event 4: $2620 NLHE
2007 WPT VI - Mandalay Bay Poker Championship
Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
May 26, 2007


1 / 118

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Erica Schoenberg

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