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PartyPoker Summer TournamentWednesday 29 July 2015 |
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Does Keith have these characteristics?
Max Steinberg as he is a fellow Moderator at www.flopturnriver.com where Play Online Poker, Site Reviews & Poker Forum | FlopTurnRiver.comFlopTurnRiver, the coolest poker strategy forum, offers reviews, bonus codes, tools, videos, & a fun poker community. Learn Texas Holdem strategy and play poker with friends!www.flopturnriver.com
he goes by Numbr2intheworld
#wsop3 #Guess2Win 256
good news : Just won a $530 ticket to party pokers pokerfest live main event.
bad news : too busy with work to play it , tried talking to "live support" to see if i could transfer it and ticket is non transferable .
I'm objecting to something that i have witnessed today on behalf of all the people who are innocently entering this competition and are unaware that this has happened or afraid to complain in case it harms their chances of winning one of the seats. I think it is cheating and definitely scummy at the very least.
As you can see Skilful has sent a lot of tweets out asking people to look at a page on his blog. I counted over 50 people being tweeted and he was thanking people for retweeting this message. So lets look at what his page says.
As you can see from what skilful has written, he is doing this because he believes that the 10 most liked posts go through to the next round (having a cursory look i couldn't find where it said that) and is the core of my objection to what he has done. He is trying to ensure that he gets in the top 10 posts by spamming a begging letter across anyone he has tweeted with. Where does this end . The next thing that will happen is that more people will do this as well to compete and then most casual readers of RKH will never stand a chance of winning a competition because of people like Skilful rigging the voting by begging to all and sundry on the internet to like his posts.
For anyone else thinking of doing this , speaking with my forum moderators hat on , if you try doing it on poker forums you are likely to get your account banned for spamming especially as RKH is an affiliate so you would be indirectly advertising a competing affiliate.
Call me old fashioned , but i believe that you should stand a chance of winning based on how good your competion entry is and not on how large your twitter following is or how many likes you can get by sending out begging letters.
As for Skilful's entry i put some constuctive criticism about his ranges in the comments. Skilful invited me to post an entry and banned me from posting coments on his posts. Thats just a small insight into his personality.
EDIT: this is Skilful's second tweet

Skilful 28 Aug 2015
lol of course it isn't cheating. Why do you think there are like elements to these competitions, as well as encouraging sharing of our posts, they promote the site. Anyone is welcome to read my blog post. Simply go to my blog. http://www.skilfulpoker.com (keith has since edited his first post to include this)
Can you help me out for a minute or 2?Hey guys you're likely reading this because I sent you a tweet just now and asked you check this page out. If I've tweeted you personally it's because we've interacted on twitter before, and I've p...skilfulpoker.com
I have also posted in one of my social networks on facebook and I will be retweeting my post tomorrow.
Have yourself a very merry weekend now.

Arty Mcfly 28 Aug 2015
I've always found that asking for votes in online competitions is slightly distasteful and spammy, but it's how the world works. Whether someone is a poltician looking for votes in an election, or someone posting a link on facebook to a petition against that politician or in favour of a dumb celebrity on a TV game show, success in life is often reduced to a popularity contest.
One of the reasons I never put any effort into online competitions is that they are too easy to "rig" like this. I don't know if RKH has or needs stricter rules for its own 'popularity contests', but if no rules have been broken in this case, it's a fair game, and you can't blame Skilful for trying to win. It's not as if he's making fake accounts and voting for himself like Brian Hastings might.
Besides, if someone is trying to win a popularity contest, if they cross the spam threshold, they often end up being less popular and lose some votes. I certainly block people on twitter when they tweet at me too often!

Skilful 28 Aug 2015
The top 10 go through, i was in first place from likes from the site before I mentioned my post on twitter, I made a post I'm quite proud of and I want to share it, I also want to do everything I reasonably can to get likes for my post, as I would love to go through to the next round and possibally win a seat to the MTT. Of course other people in the competition are also doing the same thing (asking friends or people they know to like their post) and I have also seen others ask in their social networks, this is a key part of the competition! Me and Keith have some history. So this isn't out of nowhere, and I have notified the wonderful site staff. I'm now off to enjoy a relaxing evening, before I enjoy an awesome weekend. Good luck everyone that has entered!

Keith 28 Aug 2015
Your argument then Skilful taken to the extreme is that there is no need to actually post an entry , you might just as well post "hi" and then get 20000 people on twitter/facebook etc to like your post and wow you are in with a chance of winning. Create 9 pseudo accounts that do the same thing and then get those 20000 people to like those posts as well. That will mean that one of your 9 pseudo accounts will win a prize and just leave one place for someone else to winThere is a difference between promoting the site to people you know well and spamming it across the whole of the internet. the latter will just give RKH a bad reputation. The "like" elements are intended to be so that people read your post and like the contents. What you are advocating is that people go to your post and click "like" without reading or appreciating your post and these competitions will become a cartel locked up by the 10 people with the biggest social network and people with smaller social networks will stand no chance regardless of how technically correct and oustanding their presentation is because they can't muster enough likes to get to be considered.
Lol at editing the first post to include your blog. It was included originally so that you couldn't then alter it and deny the reason for doing what you had done.
As for Arty's comment about more accounts ......skilful, why don't you fill in your pokerstars/fulltlt account in your RKH heroscore since you have posted here to say that you are playing on stars and it should help your heroscore or are you scared of linking a screenname to your skilful account in case it doesn't tally in the future or even now with pokerstars/full tilt accounts that you had in the past?
Shall i tell everyone about our history Gary , ? i've nothing to hide ...how about you ? Actually Gary has now edited his post to include the words calling me a "jealous little man"and then he removed it

Skilful 28 Aug 2015
It's basically called having friends Keith. Social media is a method of communication in this day and age.
I edited my comment about you in my original reply as I felt I was bringing myself down to your level. The truth of the matter is you are evidently more than a jealous little man, you are a very sad jealous little man. I will not be replying any more to you, you are not worthy of a response.

Jonny2192 29 Aug 2015
Well I asked arty for a vote on twitter(thanks Arty :) ), As for having friends on social media there is no way any of us can consider 2000 followers friends and most of these followers are gained by you follow me ill follow you groups. I have 60 followers and there is maybe 10 I know off and I follow them back.
Its good people share these competitions on social media it gets new people here but its trying to do it without spamming people.
@Skilful you must admit that the system can be a bit unfair and could be manipulated, not saying you are doing that but that these facts are true.
You were in joint 2nd this morning then 3 accounts all voted at the same time for maybe 6 entries each and that boosted you to 1st. Dont think these 3 accounts were anything to do with you, just what happened.
Lets just enjoy the competition and hope 10 people with really big social accounts dont join and beat us all, at the end of the day its only a game.

Jonny2192 29 Aug 2015

Arty Mcfly 29 Aug 2015
I had a feeling that there might have been some personal history behind this story, but I don't think this is the right place for personal beefs to get discussed. I don't want to get involved in the drama, but I wish you all good luck in the competition.
Maybe RKH could clarify or alter their rules at some point if abuse of the competitions is happening. FWIW, I don't think Skilful has 'abused' his apparent popularity at this point, but that's just my opinion. Like I said before, I'd block him (or anyone doing the same thing) if he kept saying "Vote for me!" People that do that can be pretty tiresome. In addition, I saw Skilful's and Jonny's entries *before* I was prompted to look at them via twitter.

Rémi Rkh 31 Aug 2015
Hi gentlemen!
As asked, I'd like to clarify the situation from the RKH perspective.
In this kind of competition, our goal follows our motto: to "link the poker world".
And as we are a social network, we make social contests. It seems to me that you all understood that and accept it .
Howerver, we are watchful to any contestant who may spam the others on RKH. If someone does it on Twitter or Facefook, we unfortunately cannot do anything about that.
And as Arty said, if someone "crosses the spam treshold, they often end up being less popular".
On top of that, the social contest is just a part of this mission. The winners will be designated by our team and our pro-players and ambassadors, regarding the strategy and the fun in their post.
Bottom line:
- We don't accept people who spam the other contestants on RKH.
- We check the fake accounts. And we delete the posts of the cheaters
- With this mission, we try to make a mix between social, fun and poker strategy.
- We pay attention to any concern or doubt you may have about this kind of competition in order to make the next one better .
I hope I've made the purpose and rules more clear.
Enjoy the game!
Rémi RKH

Rémi Rkh 31 Aug 2015
Yes, we will publish the last one this afternoon.

Jonny2192 31 Aug 2015
Thanks @Rémi Rkh
Might try a video with sound this time, I have learnt a lot of different programs doing these competitions.
Not learned them very well but I can do more than I used to. :)

Skilful 31 Aug 2015
Thanks for clarification Rémi, of course as expected, but nice to have the official clarification

Keith 1 Sep 2015
Which part of @Rémi Rkh's post did you understand to say "Yes its fine to spam across twitter begging for votes"? Especially as you did a second tweet to all your followers.

Skilful 1 Sep 2015
I feel very sorry for you. Looks like you have a terrible life experience right now and the maturity of a three year old. Project your world as much as you like here. We can all see your posts for what they are.
There is a difference between spamming, and sending a tweet directly to friends you have on twitter that you have previously interacted with. I have only sent one public tweet, and that was actually as much to demonstrate to you, the day after your post, that your post here accomplishes nothing, as it was to promote the competition; although I am flattered you are watching my twitter feed so closely. Your tone is obviously designed to trigger a response, it has failed. My neutral response here is to simply outline the difference (for the benefit of anyone reading) between your drivel and what I have in fact done to legitimately secure likes for my entry and simultaneously promote this awesome site. Two very worthwhile endeavours.
The truly sad thing about this is if you had spent as much time on an entry yourself (which you apparently... "did not have time for") as you have attempting to spread hate across this place you might have had a chance of winning something yourself.

Keith 2 Sep 2015
Why would i want to submit an entry. I have already said that i am extremely busy with work at the moment and would be unable to play the tournament if i had won a ticket. I therefore did not enter to give those people who are able to play a chance to win the tickets. It also means that I don't have a vested interest in the outcome of this contest.
It is also clear to everyone reading this who is throwing out the insults .It's also telling that i hinted at you having more than one stars account and you immediately cashed out your stars money. guilty conscience trying to preserve your funds.?
Just been watching the sam grafton twitch stream and won 25euro cash game ticket for guessing his middle name . Thanks to Unibet for providing the prize.

Jonny2192 19 Aug 2015
I got one as well :)
Thank you Sam "William" Grafton and Unibet
Had a downswing at my first shot at 25nl on unibet and moved back down to 10 nl when the bankroll hit 500e. Been rebuilding since and the RKH tourney helped with the rebuild and had got back up to 665 on saturday night when i was on the prize drop table and 50e bost to the bankroll landed in my account. So with bankroll at ~715 and prize drop tables being the 25nl tables and higher and the prize drop increasing to 100e moved back up to 25nl this morning . played a couple of hours and ran well and finished the two hour session on 814 euros. tonight session was another 6 tables and finished tonight at 879 euros.so including the prize drop in the 24 hours was up over 200 euros. . Cash game tickets take the bankroll in total over 900euros.
All this from the initial free 10euros when i signed up for the account at unibet at the end of March and without making a deposit.

Arty Mcfly 3 Aug 2015
Pretty good day at the office then!

Keith 3 Aug 2015
yep, if only every day was the same

Advoghado 3 Aug 2015
Nice job Keith
Keith just reached the level 3 in Businessman Habitat!
What about yours? Check it out on your About page!
Keith just reached the level 1 in Businessman Habitat!
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