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#WSOP4 #Guess2Win 


#wsop3 #Guess2Win  256


good news : Just won a $530 ticket to party pokers pokerfest live main event.

bad news : too busy with work to play it , tried talking to "live support" to see if i could transfer it and ticket is non transferable .


GG for the ticket. Maybe you'll find a way to play it...somehow :(

Ask your friends to play for you


I'm objecting to something that i have witnessed today on behalf of all the people who are innocently entering this competition and are unaware that this has happened or afraid to complain in case it harms their chances of winning  one of the seats. I think it is cheating and definitely scummy at the very least.


As you can see Skilful has sent a lot of tweets out asking people to look at a page on his blog. I counted over 50 people being tweeted and he was thanking people for retweeting this message. So lets look at what his page says. 

As you can see from what skilful has written, he is doing this because he believes that the 10 most liked posts go through to the next round (having a cursory look i couldn't find where it said that) and is the core of my objection to what he has done. He is trying to ensure that he gets in the top 10 posts by spamming a begging letter across anyone he has tweeted with. Where does this end . The next thing that will happen is that more people will do this as well to compete and then most casual readers of RKH will never stand a chance of winning a competition because of people like Skilful rigging the voting by begging  to all and sundry on the internet to like his posts.

     For anyone else thinking of doing this , speaking with my forum moderators hat on , if you try doing it on poker forums you are likely to get your account banned for spamming especially as RKH is an affiliate so you would be indirectly advertising a competing affiliate.

       Call me old fashioned , but i believe that you should stand a chance of winning based on how good your competion entry is and not on how large your twitter following is or how many likes you can get by sending out begging letters.

       As for Skilful's entry i put some constuctive criticism about his ranges in the comments. Skilful invited me to post an entry and banned me from posting coments on his posts. Thats just a small insight into his personality. 

EDIT: this is Skilful's second tweet


17 Comments Display all

Which part of @Rémi Rkh's post did you understand to say "Yes its fine to spam across twitter begging for votes"? Especially as you did a second tweet to all your followers.

I feel very sorry for you. Looks like you have a terrible life experience right now and the maturity of a three year old. Project your world as much as you like here. We can all see your posts for what they are.

There is a difference between spamming, and sending a tweet directly to friends you have on twitter that you have previously interacted with. I have only sent one public tweet, and that was actually as much to demonstrate to you, the day after your post, that your post here accomplishes nothing, as it was to promote the competition; although I am flattered you are watching my twitter feed so closely. Your tone is obviously designed to trigger a response, it has failed. My neutral response here is to simply outline the difference (for the benefit of anyone reading) between your drivel and what I have in fact done to legitimately secure likes for my entry and simultaneously promote this awesome site. Two very worthwhile endeavours.

The truly sad thing about this is if you had spent as much time on an entry yourself (which you apparently... "did not have time for") as you have attempting to spread hate across this place you might have had a chance of winning something yourself.

Why would i want to submit an entry. I have already said that i am extremely busy with work at the moment and would be unable to play the tournament if i had won a ticket. I therefore did not enter to give those people who are able to play a chance to win the tickets. It also means that I don't have a vested interest in the outcome of this contest.

It is also clear to everyone reading this who is throwing out the insults .It's  also telling that i hinted at you having more than one stars account and you immediately cashed out your stars money. guilty conscience  trying to preserve your funds.?


Just been watching the sam grafton twitch stream and won 25euro cash game ticket  for guessing his middle name . Thanks to Unibet for providing the prize.


I got one as well :) 

Thank you Sam "William" Grafton and Unibet

 Had a downswing at my first shot at 25nl on unibet and moved back down to 10 nl when the  bankroll hit 500e. Been rebuilding since and the RKH tourney  helped with the rebuild and had got back up to 665 on saturday night when i was on the prize drop table and 50e bost to the bankroll landed in my account. So with bankroll at ~715 and prize drop tables being the 25nl tables and higher and the prize drop increasing to 100e moved back up to 25nl this morning . played a couple of hours and ran well and finished the two hour session on 814 euros. tonight session was another 6 tables and finished tonight at 879 euros.so including the prize drop in the 24 hours was up over 200 euros.
 . Cash game tickets take the bankroll in total over 900euros.

All this from the initial free 10euros when i signed up for the account at unibet at the end of March and without making a deposit.

Pretty good day at the office then!

yep, if only every day was the same 

Nice job Keith

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