Josh Wacholz 18 Oct 2013
Josh Wacholz @JoshWacholz
I'm at Bravo Espresso (Rochester, MN)
Josh Wacholz 17 Oct 2013
RT @LibertarianCiti: I should follow the advice of congress and just max out all my credit lines until I can't pay the interest anymore. #r…
Josh Wacholz 16 Oct 2013
Best of 5 table tennis vs @RDubsMN: 21-16, 20-22, 21-19, 21-12
Josh Wacholz 15 Oct 2013
Red Bull Releases Incredible POV Video of 128,000-Foot Stratos Jump | Autopia |
Josh Wacholz 14 Oct 2013
I wonder if this will ever get reported? Or if all the famous people will tweet their support to them?
RT @MNCoachPitino: Box Score from the Maroon and Gold Scrimmage on Saturday.
Josh Wacholz 13 Oct 2013
RT @ChadCourrier: Interesting twist, if true, on death of Peterson's son. Ruffin is former MSU football player.
the @Vikings are 1-3 and down 14-0 and they don't go for it on 4th and 1 deep in the red zone? You have the MVP, go for it #FireMusgrave
@PaulCharchian torn between starting m Austin or d Avery at wr3 this week?
Josh Wacholz 12 Oct 2013
Taking Owen to Sesame Street Live with @CWacholz! (@ Mayo Civic Center w/ 5 others)
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