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Miika Anttonen 13 Dec 2013
Miikka Anttonen @chuckbasspoker
So I got two emails today, both from Stars. #1 is saying they think I broke the NDA with my posts #111 and #117 in Jeans conclusion thread,
Miika Anttonen 11 Dec 2013
Got a new @Cardrunners video out. Includes 5bet bluffing flops in Sunday major fts, 3bet bluffing rivers etc
Miika Anttonen 10 Dec 2013
Crowned the day with a 14th in Big162, might be about time to patch up this finger now
Also cut a small bit of my finger with a kitchen knife and the bleeding isn't stopping. Miraculously, the incidents are not related
Somehow make Big109 ft against SEVEN fish marked people. ~4th hand guy 3x calls my 27BB 3bshove with 33. QQ no good. Just 20k first :#prawns
Miika Anttonen 8 Dec 2013
fairly sure my drunken French >>>>>>>>> most people's french french. now someone give me burgers.
It's about 33% Twin Peaks, 33% what you wanted Lost to be, 33% scaryish mystery. And it will make sure you forget to breathe.
If you want to be really cool, watch Les Revenants now before they make a retarded American remake of it. It's so breathtakingly good.
Dear France, I forgive you everything. Les Revenants is very close to top5 tv show EVER. I can't breathe it's so good. The 8 eps flew by.
Miika Anttonen 2 Dec 2013
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