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Miika Anttonen 18 Jun 2014
Miikka Anttonen @chuckbasspoker
RT @OfficialDCosta: how many times can you change nationality? asking for a friend
Updated my resume, might soon need one. "Special skills: FT bubbling mass field mtts for cl in 80-20 flips. Skill level: World class." #wdie
Miika Anttonen 13 Jun 2014
So why did this not happen 4 years ago when I had the biggest sports bets of my life on Netherlands in the final vs Spain? #nobetsthisyear
RT @xyious: @chuckbasspoker you teach me instincts i teach you fundamentals.... Just fundamentals apparently don't get you as far.
How's it real that I can find the perfect spot for a river 3bet bluff but have no clue (apparently) what a correct 10BB HJ shove range is
Makes me wonder how well I could do if I actually worked on these things instead of clicking buttons and relying on instincts #revelations
Not even afraid to say it, admittance is the first step. The games must be epic soft if I can do ok just with instincts and 0 fundamentals
Been doing heaps of pen+paper+calculator type poker work lately. Found out that I'm absolutely terrible at poker fundamentals after 6 years
Miika Anttonen 11 Jun 2014
So incredibly excited to watch yesterday's #Fargo but didn't have time to before starting a session #firstworldproblems #bestshowontv
Miika Anttonen 10 Jun 2014
Jeesh wtf did I just watch re: latest #GameOfThrones. There goes another hour of my life I'll never get back. Most overrated show these days
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