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Miika Anttonen 2 Jun 2016
Miikka Anttonen @chuckbasspoker
Was at a live mtt some years ago and these same people lit a bunch of 5-20€ notes on fire to make room in their wallet for bigger notes. 😁
Man I have the most depressing poker friends. One's playing 300k tournaments, another bought a yacht today. I'm currently 1tabling a 10€ mtt
Miika Anttonen 31 May 2016
@Airbnb do you have a phone number (Finnish) or a direct email address? I have a bit of an urgent/hairy spot regarding ongoing reservation.
Miika Anttonen 26 May 2016
Watched #Bloodline on Netflix in two days, some of the best tv writing in years imo. Really great season, Netflix just owns tv atm.
Miika Anttonen 25 May 2016
Woke up jetlagged at 3.30am, the sun's already up #nightlessnights #winland
Miika Anttonen 22 May 2016
Pic 1: when Finland wins whc. Pic 2: Toronto 2 hours after the win, where's the famous hockey culture? #Canada
So where's the WHC party, Toronto? Why aren't ppl running naked in the streets? Won't banks be closed tomorrow for a 3-day national bender?
Really can't believe this is working in the middle of nowhere, Canada, Viarail I love you.
This Canadian train has 5/5 wifi and beer service straight to your seat. WHC final starting in a two hours. Life is pretty fucking great.
Miika Anttonen 21 May 2016
Gonna be on a train for the entire duration of the whc final tomorrow. Kill me now
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