Lisa Mcinnis
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RT @K_JeanPierre: Jessica Leeds Kristin Anderson Jill Harth Cathy Heller Temple Taggart McDowell Karena Virginia Bridget Sullivan Tasha Di…
30 Sep 2019RT @JaimePrimak: “I have the energy of the mother of 5 boys who all play different sports” - if that’s not @ewarren then i don’t know what…
29 Sep 2019RT @UberFacts: Stewart and Lynda Resnick, the billionaire owners of Fiji Water, have pledged to donate $750 million to fund climate change…
29 Sep 2019RT @brhodes: Boris facing investigation. Trump facing impeachment. Bibi facing indictment. Not a good week for right wing wannabe strongmen…
28 Sep 2019RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: @gtconway3d @realDonaldTrump Trump is a very deeply damaged criminal sociopath. Malignant narcissism that is like canc…
28 Sep 2019RT @ZackBornstein: NBC: Impeachment
ABC: Impeachment
CNN: Impeachment
FOX: https://t.co/nNXBQVKMkG
RT @JulesDrmnn: i think my favorite anti-greta talking point is "she should be in school!!" like buddy she’s out there giving speeches in h…
25 Sep 2019RT @Strandjunker: Why the hell is it “if you can’t pay rent, buy fewer lattes” and not “if you can’t pay your employees a living wage, buy…
24 Sep 2019RT @MollyJongFast: Imagine trolling a 16 year old girl with Aspergers because you’re mad at her for trying desperately to save the planet.
23 Sep 2019