Scott Seiver 8 Jan 2018
Scott Seiver @scott_seiver
RT @LukewSavage: Neoliberalism is many things, but one of its most dynamic innovations is rationalizing and legitimizing unspeakable greed…
You: Eat the rich. Also You: Oprah would be the perfect president.
RT @KrangTNelson: if you’re not watching the golden globes rn, James Franco won for his portrayal of Tommy wiseau, who thought the award wa…
So clearly correct to go for it there, these announcers are so trash to throw the coach under the bus every time th…
Scott Seiver 7 Jan 2018
Chiplead of the PCA 100k after day 1. Got to play with @KevinHart4real today and had a blast. Helped that I massively coolered him too!
RT @dansinker: There's no corresponding birthday tweet for Don Jr. His birthday was six days ago.
Scott Seiver 6 Jan 2018
RT @_beNbackwards: today i met @TomiLahren lol
RT @ASmallFiction: "What's that knob do?" "Well, when I turn it this way everything seems OK." "What if you turn it the other way?" "Why…
Scott Seiver 4 Jan 2018
Can not be more excited to see @TheNational in Vegas in a couple weeks. "Let's just get high enough to see our problems"
Scott Seiver 3 Jan 2018
my 2018 resolution : To believe in the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before me. It eluded me last year…
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