William Calder

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William Calder

is a recognizable poker enthusiast and proud representative

Poker Score: 1,417

Popularity: 50,627

Contribution: 139,930

Nerves of Steel
Infinite Patience
Iron Man
About William Calder


Co-Founder of Ace-High Poker Group part of TEAMKGB an TEAMSLEEP #ISLEOFMANwan$er

Jobs & Achievements


Ace-High Poker Group,
in Jan 2015


Ace-High Poker Group,
since Nov 2013

Latest performances

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Online RoomStatusLevel and Game
1,005,000 XP (LVL 11)
Created with Highcharts 3.0.1William Calder2005-012005-022005-032005-042005-052005-062005-072005-082005-092005-102005-112005-122006-012006-022006-032006-042006-052006-062006-072006-082006-092006-102006-112006-122007-012007-022007-032007-042007-052007-062007-072007-082007-092007-102007-112007-122008-012008-022008-032008-042008-052008-062008-072008-082008-092008-102008-112008-122009-012009-022009-032009-042009-052009-062009-072009-082009-092009-102009-112009-122010-012010-022010-032010-042010-052010-062010-072010-082010-092010-102010-112010-122011-012011-022011-032011-042011-052011-062011-072011-082011-092011-102011-112011-122012-012012-022012-032012-042012-052012-062012-072012-082012-092012-102012-112012-122013-012013-022013-032013-042013-052013-062013-072013-082013-092013-102013-112013-122014-012014-022014-032014-042014-052014-062014-072014-082014-092014-102014-112014-122015-012015-022015-032015-04$0.00$1,000.00$2,000.00$3,000.00

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Rank: 2
Champions chair
Mar 8, 2015
Tournament Results
Alea Casino - Nottingham
Jan 31, 2015




No Limit Hold'em
Grosvenor Casino Edinburgh
Nov 27, 2014



2 / 100

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William Calder liked Ben 'Machine' Smith's post
19 May 2016
William Calder liked pokerjackz's post
23 Feb 2016
William Calder liked Alessio Bianchi's post
22 Feb 2016
William Calder liked No Limit William's post
22 Feb 2016
William Calder liked soothsayer60's post
21 Feb 2016
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playing on skypoker tonight dtd 1 dtd 2 dtd 3 3 games totalling 5pound buy in points total from two best finishes goes towards a team score , im the ice tiger hitsquad team , my alias is MADWC hoping to ft all 3 an get at least one outright win an help the team go back on top 

min cashed one of the mtts an bubbled the other an craashe dout the other in sick fashion managed to score 9th in team points for my team tho helping them to 1st overall so was a sucess for the team an a good night of poker #hitsquad


great poker podcast by barry chalmers an alex assassinato fitzgerald give it a try if you haven't listened in before 

why do we fall , so we can learn to pick ourselves up , and when we can stand we can play any hand we are dealt we dont wish or hope we just be ................


All here at Rankinghero would like to congratulate our BoM champion mr banzai himself Mark Duguid 


QUADZILLA : Did u think at the start any of this would be even possible to beat such a strong field an come away victorius in front of friends an family 

MD: I have always believed in my game an on my day think i can beat just about anyone except REDLACw1 of course , my mentor an hero .

QUADZILLA : LOL so are u dedicating your win to redlacw1 then ?

MD: yeah shouts out to the BATMAN hhha

QUADZILLA :Is there any extravagant purchases u will be thinking of having ?

MD: Well i am going to buy a ferrari an drive it into a swimming pool always wanted to do that lol 

QUADZILLA: sounds good , will you be coming back next year to defend your title ?

MD: Of course an i will be bringing the whole ace-high poker team next year so the rail will be even more loud an excitable for sure 

QUADZILLA: just a couple more questions before you get mobbed by fans an friends an whisked away to party an celebrate your sucess here today , what is the single most important piece of advice u can give to poker players travelling abroad looking to capture their first trophy ?

MD: Just go for it dont hold back have no regrets an have a plan an stick to it oh an have the great support i had from Ace-High Poker Group and from the wonderful team at rankinghero .

QUADZILLA: And finally what was the hand that won it for you ?

MD: No surprises for guessing this part i had 79 spades an insta jammed on my opponent who snapped me off with big slick ace-king suited diamonds which obviously i wasnt thrilled at seeing but wasnt worried as i know the power of 79 spades an sure enough i just flop him dead no sweat nothing just casually flop a staright flush of 8 ten jack spades an that was it game over we gotta NEW champion an his name is BANZAI AKA MARK DUGUID THE BoM WINNER 2015 

#RoadtoMalta #IveyRead i jam all in no time or place to be messing about slowplaying , he may know i have kk but can he call off not unless he is crazy an has the nutz . lets see what ivey is really made of ALL IN

#RoadtoMalta #BOMFT  if i could choose anyone to play against my first choice it would have to be Jaime Staples because he is a great professional an is really good at twitching an is a great ambassador for the game an truly comes across like he really loves the game ,

my 2nd choice would be Phil Laak as he is absolutely crazy an is funnily different to most poker pros an his ssense of wit an humour would brighten up any game . the UNABOMBER.

My 3rd choice would be Jack Salter as he is such a cool guy on an off the tables an is a really strong player.

My 4th pick would be Ludovic Jonsen/Geilich just because he is a glaswegian an a total bawse at poker most aggressive player i know would bring a great dynamic entity to the table

My 5th pick would be Phil Ivey (no explanation needed its phil freaking ivey lol )

My 6th pick would be Darvin Moon as i loved watching him play in the world series an was such an experience to watch an question his play an try figure him out .

My 7th pick will have to be Daniel Negreanu cant have a ft without kidpoker right ?

My 8th pick will have to be a woman so its not all male dominated so i choose Kara Scott an that is my final table set .   


regged for tomorrows supersat on betsafe #quadzilla ftw gdluck all 

Regged as well :)

So guys, what happened for you yesterday?

we arrive by limo to be greeted by fire breathing acrobats twirling through the air , an shaolin monks performing feats of pure skill an bravery , there is one guy on stilts, people on unicycles handing out shots , calvin harris is DJing with rihanna performing also , and even an inflatable bar outside where u can get a british pint an fish n chips . there is so many people having such a blast dancing an mixing with one another , outside in the courtyard there is a ferris wheel where atop u can see the whole island of malta lit up under the sky's stars , a great moment to reflect an appreciate such a great nyt as fireworks shoot up in the air an make almighty bangs , back at the bar i meet some fellow rkh members an we decide to do shots of tequila an sambuca an this is where things get messy we do in the free champagne an start dancing on tables shirts off an doing british style football chants but changed to poker references which wont be repeated lol . there is some f the most beatiful women in the world here an a bunch of guys in hoodies an sunglasses looking pale white not seen the sun all trip an is funny to watch these guys just get mixing ryt in an having a ball , there is guy sperforming magic tricks with cards an stuff an also people actually playing poker u just cant stop some i suppose from taking a nyt off , all in all its been a wonderful eye opening experience to say the least anits all thanks to rankinghero an all our fantastic members .so hopefully see you all there next time gd luck guys cheers #'@quadzilla #MaltaBOMParty pub time  
