#MoreThanMoney in the money during my honeymoon... Las Vegas... DeepStack Extravaganza

Annie RKH 7 Mar 2015
Well done and congrats on both counts! #HoneyMoney #MoreThanMoney
im proud to play poker when durin a tourney u found a professional online player with big results... and u wait wait wait until kill him.... after killing a "pro " i feel better with myself.... best is kill the PokerStars Novas.. love it... ;)#MoreThanMoney

Annie RKH 5 Mar 2015
ha-ha, Alessio, here is your next target then - @Martijn Ardon

Alessio Bianchi 6 Mar 2015
lol i'm too poor to get that targets dear Anna... ;) but be sure if have one at the table it's with this one will be some important hands... ... ( just cos im not a nova maybe ) ...ahahaha